Long read, but pretty accurate.


Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
I wanted to let you know about the podcast episode I just published with some practices and perspectives to help you move through these challenging emotional times.

You can listen to it or read it here.

You might be aware of the incredible amount of censorship and information control (gaslighting) that has been going on. This isn't new. However the last 2 months have been at a whole new level.

Unfortunately I am no longer able to do any real talk about current topics relating to narcissistic abuse in society (in particular the current global situation) on public social media platforms like YouTube, iTunes, etc. The podcast episode I did on the CV situation in February, When Abusers Erase Reality, was deleted by iTunes. Fortunately you can still find it on Spotify here.

In order to not get erased entirely, I must now go underground with any real talk about these topics. I feel that it's more important now than ever to talk about narcissistic abuse in society, while we still can.

So I wanted to send you this email with some of my reflections on what's going on. Email is one of the only media that I can still use to speak the inconvenient truth. I'll still be making free content for those platforms, while censoring myself to not be censored by the algorithms.

Fair warning, this one is long AF so if you don't have time to read it, no worries. If this doesn't interest you, no worries either. You can always click the Unsubscribe button at the bottom to no longer receive these.

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The Trojan Horse

We are suddenly living in strange times on Planet Earth.

Several layers of crises appear to be unfolding between now and Stage 666. We already see glimpses of these crises in the economy, social structures, medical systems, technology, physical and mental health, travel, censorship, and of course the further degradation of civil liberties.

There will probably be other things that we truly didn’t see coming. It’s crazy how one tiny thing set off a chain of events that is just starting to show its enormous effects on the systems and structures of our world.

It seems that the CV is a Trojan Horse.

It’s both a real virus that’s really killing people AND it’s a subterfuge for a much bigger and more complex threat that’s sneaking in with it, while we are distracted by the fear porn and misdirections in the media.

What is a Trojan Horse?

"According to Homer's somewhat mythical account in the Iliad, the Greeks during the Trojan War pretended to give up their fruitless ten-year siege of the city of Troy and sailed away, leaving behind the Trojan Horse. After the Trojans pulled what they believed was a parting gift within the walls of the city, soldiers that had hidden inside the hollow horse during the previous night emerged and opened the city's gates, allowing the awaiting army to enter the city." (Wiki)

"Metaphorically, a "Trojan Horse" has come to mean any trick or stratagem that causes a target to invite a foe into a securely protected bastion or place. A malicious computer program that tricks users into willingly running it is also called a "Trojan horse" or simply a "Trojan”. (Wiki)

"Subterfuge (ruse de guerre — French, literally translated as ruse of war); an act of military deception against one’s opponent; acts against one’s opponent by creative, clever, unothordox means, sometimes involving force multipliers or superior knowledge." (Wiki)

The CV is also the force multiplier.

"A force multiplier is a factor or combination of factors, that gives personnel or weapons the ability to accomplish greater feats than without it." (Wiki)

The CV is being used to trigger a chain of events, none of which would be possible without using this force multiplier.

If you asked people a year ago, or even a few months ago, if they would invite the military into the streets and embrace martial law, everyone would say fuck no. If you asked people if they wanted to stay home 24/7 and keep their kids home from school, trying to help them with their lesson plans in addition to managing their working from home responsibilities, while they all compete for internet bandwidth, most people would say no thank you. If you asked people if they wanted to lose their jobs and income for an extended period of time, then having to depend on the government or others to survive, they would probably say no.

Yet here we are.

While I do agree that staying home right now to reduce the spread of the CV and the burden on local healthcare systems is important to save lives, I also believe it’s VERY important during this time, that we stay aware of what’s going on in the Big Picture as well as staying focused on our dreams and hopes for the future.

It doesn’t have to go the way the controllers are trying to drive it. This world doesn’t have to be the way the mainstream media, owned by those same controllers, would like to sell us.

While nearly everything feels out of our control right now, we have more power (and responsibility) than we realize.

We have this time at home right now to investigate, to get informed, to use critical thinking, to reflect, to not be rushing around in states of production and consumption, to rest, to be still, to be silent, to feel, to process grief, to receive inner guidance and understanding, to cultivate states of inner peace, to love, to connect and share ideas with others, and to carefully consider the path forward.

Nothing will ever be the same. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

While things will likely get uglier before they get better, we also have an unprecedented opportunity during this process, to clarify what really matters.

Crisis brings the gift of making us acutely aware of what’s important.

This is our collective wake up call as humanity. It’s going to either be a very long Dark Night of the Soul for our species or it’s going to be the collective trauma that wakes us the fuck up, so we change our ways and begin to live in harmony.

It’s a choice. And it’s our choice.

We have the opportunity right now to reflect on what we have done with our free will, the choices that we have made in our lives up until this point. We are being reminded of this through situations that are out of our control, bringing unsettling uncertainty.

When we feel like we can’t control anything going on around us, we have the opportunity to notice what we do have control over.

Your response to life is a choice. This choice is your greatest responsibility.

How are you going to respond to what’s going on?

Certainly at this time it’s important to strengthen your immune system and reduce stress as much as possible. Finding the balance between staying informed and stressing out, it's tricky, isn’t it?

Just ignoring it isn’t a good idea. Things are changing so fast now and those things are directly affecting our lives. So we need to keep up and adjust accordingly. Yet we still need to be careful not to get too stressed and to go ahead and put it down when we are nearing that line.

It’s important to also take time to go within. Nothing will change for the better in the world when we are only focused outside ourselves.

If we use this opportunity at home to start digging deep, we will discover what really matters. That’s what brings us back to the heart and to who we really are.

When everything is on the line, what matters the most to you?

Did you enjoy spending your days rushing around and feeling exhausted by the busyness of production and consumption in order to feel useful in society?

How would you rather use the hours of a day, if you could do whatever you wanted?

Who would you spend it with?

How does that reality feel?

Now imagine that this current global situation is an experiment by the controllers, to condition humanity into states of total submission, apathy, and learned helplessness?

The Neverending Story describes the Nothing:

Gmork: “People have begun to lose their hopes and forget their dreams. So the Nothing grows stronger."
Atreyu: "What IS the Nothing?"
Gmork: "It’s the emptiness that’s left. It’s like a despair destroying this world. And I have been trying to help it."
Atreyu: "But why?"
Gmork: "Because people who have no hopes, are easy to control. And whoever has the control, has the power.”

All around the world, we have been slowly and gradually groomed into a state of learned helplessness, which leads to apathy. We have been infantilized, which leads to rescue fantasies. We have been victimized, which leads to feeling angry, powerless and incapable of taking self-responsibility. We have been beaten down into slavery and many have forgotten their hopes and dreams, just to survive on the daily.

We were programmed to live in a state of automaton behavior, doing the grind, the rush, the busyness, the stress, the distractions and addictions that numb it all out, then falling asleep and doing it all over again tomorrow. We have been programmed by the bombardment of technological frequencies as well as the dopamine rewards and the social validation feedback loop of social media. We have been programmed to believe we live in a false reality by the Official Narratives promoted on the mainstream media.

The more people feel despair, the stronger the Nothing becomes.

Most of us have forgotten that we are sovereign beings with hopes and dreams.

We have forgotten who we are.

“…People who have no hopes, are easy to control. And whoever has the control, has the power.”

What if this first wave of outbreak is the beta test to gently ease us into this new way of life? Then maybe they let us move around a bit again in a few months, only to lock us down hardcore later this year when the next wave of outbreak hits and a more extensive network of 5G towers simultaneously goes online, setting up the framework for the next level technocratic rule.

5G and technological manipulation is one of the hidden layers of what's going on right now. There is a very strange coincidence of the virus hot spots and 5G networks in those areas. This also includes the technology used on the cruise ships that were involved. Currently many countries are rushing to set up 5G technology, while citizens are at home and local governments are busy putting out fires and/or preparing for the worst.

It appears the millimeter frequencies used in this new technology, can cause respiratory distress. Tech companies are raving about the lack of interference and latency issues. While that’s great for efficient internet usage, this 60GHz “oxygen absorption band” could also have negative effects on the ability of the oxygen molecules to bind to the hemoglobin, which causes hypoxia. Animals also breathe oxygen. Trees produce oxygen. How will this all be affected?

We don't know. ZERO health and safety studies have been done on this technology that is currently being rushed out without public approval, despite the plea for a moratorium on this rollout by many concerned doctors and scientists.

This technology can be used as an invisible weapon of manipulation and gaslighting. It's also highly targetable. Manipulation via technology is not new. This is a new level that could have far-reaching health and safety implications.

In late March, USA passed the "Secure 5G and Beyond Act of 2020” and the "Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability Act”. People around the country are reporting the installation of 5G at schools, hospitals and other locations in their local areas. Check with your local government to see if and how this will be coming to your local area or if it’s there already. Under the 5G Act, the USA grants itself the authority to roll out "secure 5G, both within and OUTSIDE the USA". The House Energy and Commerce Committee wrote a statement, “The bills signed into law today by the president are critical to ensuring that all Americans can access broadband and that our networks are secure and trusted.”

And just like that, this technology that has ZERO health and safety studies yet, is being deployed despite that fact. When they use the Orwellian doublespeak “secure and trusted”, we know this is neither safe nor trustworthy.

It seems that we are in the middle of an experiment and we are the lab rats. In the future, will people look back and call it genocide?

Open your eyes. Investigate what’s going on. Stop blindly believing everything you hear from designated “trustworthy sources” without doing your own research. Don’t believe anything I say either without doing your own research.

This is a major turning point in your life. Don’t be lazy!

I know it’s hard to gather the energy to get out of the inertia that is caused by the conditioned apathy and learned helplessness. It wasn’t your fault. They have slowly groomed you into those states of despair because you’re easier to control that way.

When you’re in an abusive relationship, you get confused and lost. You forget who you are. You don’t "just be love" to fix it. Your love can’t fix it and the only way to start loving yourself is to recognize the abuse and opt out of more. You don’t "just move on" afterward either. There’s a lot of loss. There’s grieving work to do, a whole range of emotions to cycle through, to experience, to feel, and release on your time. It’s important to respect the nature of that process and not rush it. You don’t need to put pressure on yourself to meet a certain timeframe or keep up with someone else’s pace. It’s also important not to spiritually bypass this necessary inner work with cliches like “just be love, no fear.”

The same process is happening on a collective scale between humanity and their idols or leaders. Humans have always been enslaved and controlled by the owners. Certain forms of slavery, such as in the USA, provide the illusion of choice, which causes Cognitive Dissonance in the people who believe they’re free. As more of us wake up to this reality, there will be grieving work to do, not just on an individual level, but also for the collective as we are all part of it to some degree.

Cognitive Dissonance causes us to escape into denial in order to avoid the conflicting perceptions, emotions and thoughts about reality. This mental programming is very difficult to pierce and often is only resolved after some sort of frying pan to the head lesson that forces you to see the truth.

Is Martial Law what it will take to wake more people up and realize that humanity has always been enslaved in one form or another by those in power?

Only you can get yourself out. No one is coming to save you. If a “savior” parades down the streets in a tank with food or even comes down from the skies with great promises, don’t fall for the trap. The most sophisticated abusers offer humanitarian aid at first, only to get you to let them in by your own free will. Then later, when you finally see the Big Picture, you realize that you’ve been enslaved all along.

You have to save yourself. WE have to save ourselves.

We can only make positive changes if we know what the problem is. So first we need awareness of the problem. Awareness is knowledge, information and light.

Without the light of awareness, there is only darkness.

Then we need to have the humbleness to notice how we are participating in the problem. This is by far the toughest part because the pride and ego will want to put the problem outside.

This is also the point of empowerment, when you realize how you are participating in your life. That’s when you can choose to grab the reins of your destiny in your hands and take responsibility for yourself.

The next step is taking responsible action, whatever that is for you in your particular situation. Your intuition will show you. You will feel and know what to do when you are unsubscribed from the control matrix that is trying to lock you in states of chaos, confusion, fear and powerlessness.

As more of us embrace this development of self-awareness and self-responsibility, we will make it easier for others who aren’t ready to yet. Contagion can work as a negative force or a positive one. That choice is ours.

The way out opens with the inner faith that it’s possible.

Then you keep putting one foot in front of the other.

This work that we are being called to do over the next months and years, is not going to be easy, but it will be worth it so we can all thrive. The only alternative is to remain willingly in slavery, despair, and chaos.

So what do you want?

What role are you going to play in your life at this turning point?

The choices you make now will determine your future. And remember, your choices influence your personal life and also the collective. You are contributing to something bigger than you.

Let’s use this time at home right now to figure out what really matters, to envision our hopes and dreams, and to choose to contribute something meaningful toward a better future.

If not now, when?

Big hug to you!

Inner Integration en Español
Meredith Miller
Coach & Author

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
liked it. once I get canned from my job will I be able to more fully grasp and accept something like this.
still apathetic
Mar 8, 2011
better to just give up and let china take us over. they are promising free cable. with two political parties constantly fighting 24-7 here nothing positive will ever get done.

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